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Telephone switch from Lucent. For a while the biggest software system in the world (10M loc?). Used in many research experiments by Lucent dealing with, e.g., DomainSpecificLanguages and ReverseEngineering.
Association for Computing Machinery --

The ACM Computing Classification System [1998 Version]:


Automatic Design of Algorithms Through Evolution (ADATE) is a system for automatic programming i.e., inductive inference of algorithms.

The generator development platform ANGIE provides a script language, a compiler for this language and a runtime system. The freeware version of ANGIE is named "ANGIE Generation Now!", which additionally comprises an IDE. ANGIE is a frame-based generator system, optimized for the task of generating program texts.

ANGIE Homepage:

ANT is a Java based tool for `making' software. It is described as ``make without makes' wrinkles''. Although it is meant for more languages than just Java, its main aim is Java. ANT is used in large projects, such as ArgoUML? and TomCat?.


ANT configuration files are in XML format. Build files usually contain multiple targets, which might dependent on each other. Each target uses one or more tasks. ANT build files can be used on any platform because most build-in tasks are platform-independent. New tasks can be easily implemented in Java and added to ANT.

Idea: develop ANT tasks for XT.

-- MartinBravenboer - 13 Dec 2001

ANTLR: ANother Tool for Language Recognition


ANTLR is a parser generator.

  • Generates Java, C#, or C++ code.

  • Accepts the class of LL(k) grammars

  • Produces recursive-descent parsers

  • Includes mini grammar base, as well as several example applications of ANTLR

  • Tree grammars which let you use grammar constructs to specify how to walk your AST. It also has a notation for building and transforming your AST.


A complete skeleton of an ANTLR based transformation system for ANSI C and C with GCC extesions can be seen at Included are a parser, tree parser (to be "grammar subclassed" for your transformation passes), and a tree emitter to take your tree back to text.


Formerly part of PCCTS. See also SORCERER.



  • java Source[1]
  • C++ Source[2]
API is the acronym of ApplicationProgrammersInterface?
APTS (28 Apr 2005 - 22:24 - r1.2 -

APTS is a the Abstract Program Transformation System developed by RobertPaige.

CategorySystem | Contributions by EelcoVisser
A Refactoring Tool for Smalltalk

by DonRoberts, JohnBrant, and RalphJohnson

This article introduces the concept and utility of refactorings in program maintenance. It describes the requirements, design and implementation of the SmalltalkRefactory tool that automatically applies refactorings to Smalltalk programs.


Conference on Automated Software Engineering

  • Deadline: June
  • Conference: November

Description (from the call for papers)

The IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering brings together researchers and practitioners to share ideas on the foundations, techniques, tools, and applications of automated software engineering technology. Both automatic systems and systems that support and cooperate with people are within the scope of the conference, as are models of software and software engineering activities. ASE'2001 encourages contributions describing basic research, novel applications, and experience relevant to automating software engineering activities. Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Automated reasoning techniques
  • Automated software specification
  • Automated software design and synthesis
  • Category and Graph - theoretic approaches
  • Computer-supported cooperative work
  • Domain modeling and meta-modeling
  • Human computer interaction
  • Knowledge acquisition
  • Maintenance and evolution
  • Modeling language semantics
  • Ontologies and methodologies
  • Process and workflow management
  • Program understanding
  • Re-engineering
  • Reflection- and Metadata approaches
  • Requirements engineering
  • Reuse
  • Software architectures
  • Testing
  • Tutoring, help, documentation systems
  • Verification and validation

ASF is the abbreviation of the Algebraic Specification Formalism developed at CWI and the University of Amsterdam. The formalism is used in combination with the Syntax Definition Formalism SDF in the ASFandSDFMetaEnvironment.


ASF+SDF is rewriting language with user-defined term syntax and support for tree traversals. It is used for SoftwareRenovation and rapid prototyping of DomainSpecificLanguages

More information:

An introduction to the ASF+SDF formalism is given in Chapter 1 of LanguagePrototyping.

A tool suite to support the development of specifications written in the ASFandSDF formalism.

It includes